What is the FUELLED FOR LIFE 2.0?

FUELLED FOR LIFE 2.0 is an upgraded program package that requires a 6 month commitment for a reduced investment. 

It combines both our signature CUT &  REVERSE + RESTORE packages within our coaching time together. So that you can truly get to your goal with support. That way you are feeling educated and empowered moving forward. 

Apply NOW!!!

What you get with FUELLED FOR LIFE 2.0!

✅6 month personalized strength training program to help you build muscle and achieve your strength and body composition goals. 

✅PERSONALIZED MACROS customized to your goals, needs and lifestyle so that you can optimize your results while enjoying the foods you love. Adjustments will be made throughout as needed.

✅You will be taken through our signature CUT program and REVERSE + RESTORE program. Work toward your fat loss goals with our CUT program and RESTORE your metabolism and hormones with our REVERSE + RESTORE program to optimize your health and body composition goals. 

✅How to create a long term SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE. No more diets! No yo-yoing! No under-fuelling your body! Focus on Macro + Flexible Nutrition. Ditch the deprivation, build a healthy relationship with food and learn to fuel your body for energy, strength and confidence while enjoying the foods you love.

✅Whether you are hitting the trails, out for a run or the gym learn to optimize your training by working out less by learning to burn fat and build muscle by pairing it with quality nutrition plan to perform better.

✅MINDSET COACHING, focusing on a holistic approach to help you create positive MINDSET and HABITS that move you towards your goals. Learn effective ways to limit stress and get better sleep.

✅Specializing in Reverse Dieting. Helping women break free from years of dieting to restore their metabolism and hormones. Eating more means more energy! 

What is included when you Register?

**6 months access to signature StrongHER-Strength Training program

*Customized Macros to your weight, lifestyle, goals and activity level (6 months)

*Pre assessment

*Habits and Mindset Coaching

*Shared google doc for daily tracking

*30-60min Onboarding Call

*Weekly check-ins

*Access to ME through PRIVATE App (24/5)

*LIFETIME access to the FFL Facebook Community Group

BONUSES: If you register before JUNE 10th 

1. Monthly 1-1 Coaching Calls

2.Fuelled For Life 2.0 Cookbook

"Working with Julia was incredible. She has taught me so many things. She taught me the proper way to eat and that you don't need to spend hours working out to see results. I have had way more energy and I feel great. "

Sarah-FFL Client

Working with Julia has really given me the tools I needed to understand how to fuel my body for my active lifestyle, whilst also being able to lose weight and inches. I don't need to track my food anymore, I just know where to start each meal and what to add from there. I really benefitted from Julia's program because it helped me to take ownership of what I eat, I had the flexibility that chocolate/ice cream/chips etc were always an option, which gave me the power to choose when to choose them! Thank you Julia, for the first time in my life I feel like I actually understand food.

Colette- FFL Client

Before I started with Julia I felt frustrated with my relationship with food. I didn't really know what to eat, I felt tired all the time, I had guilt anytime I ate anything ‘bad’. I felt Like to lose any weight I was Going to have to be super restrictive which is not the lifestyle I wanted.
After 12 weeks, I feel More confident in the food choices I’m making. I have So much more energy, I no Longer have guilt eating treats because I am able to fit them into my daily life without being restrictive. I have so much more energy eating more protein each day. I also Like that the guess work is taken out of what to eat each day after I got The hang of tracking macros.
I learned that I can see results if I’m consistent, not restrictive and give my body the fuel it needs. No food is bad. I learned a positive lifestyle change that doesn’t feel restrictive, I can ENJOY LIFE, having some treats, eating out and still see results. I also Learned to not view treats as rewards as much and that I don't need to finish the whole chocolate bar. Thank you!

Nicole-FFL Client


Macro tracking and Flexible Nutrition. Learning to balance Carbs, Protein and Healthy Fats based on your goals and needs

Food Quality

Focusing on choosing more high quality nutrient dense foods to help fuel your body for optimal energy and performance

Movement/Strength Training

Whether you are new to working out, an avid gym goer or you are hitting the trails for a run/hike adding strength training int to benefit your body and performance. 


Are you getting enough QUALITY sleep? Focus on tips and tools that will help you improve your sleep quality and habits.


Stress plays a huge role in our overall health. Learning ways to manage and eliminate stress will help you improve your overall health. 


Are your habits and mindset moving you in the direction of your goals or away from your goals? This is one of the biggest pillars focusing on overcoming the habits and mindset that is holding you back from achieving your goals. 













***Disclaimer: There is a, 'no refund' policy. This is a full program***

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